martes, 28 de febrero de 2017


In Social Science we are learning about different landforms in internal and coastal landscapes. Here are some of the natural features we mentioned in class.

In Arts and Crafts we created our own landforms with plasticine. We had so much fun!

lunes, 27 de febrero de 2017

February memories

February has been an intense month! In Science we made some experiments with different materials and mixtures, and we worked so hard that we didn't even take pictures! But here are some memories from this month.
(¡Febrero ha sido un mes intenso! En Ciencias hicimos algunos experimentos con diferentes materiales y mezclas, y trabajamos tanto que ni siquiera tuvimos tiempo de hacer fotos. Pero aquí están algunos recuerdos de este mes.)

The last day of January we celebrated Peace Day with a beautiful song.

These are some of our works of Art, about the four seasons...

... and our Valentine's hearts.

Before Carnival we enjoyed the Rondalla and their popular songs.

And finally, Carnival!!! Our make up was super cool!!

We chose "The Lion King" so we had all kinds of animals...

miércoles, 1 de febrero de 2017

Our book of invertebrates

In Natural Science we are making a book of ARTHROPODS and MOLLUSCS.
This is the worksheet we have to complete and add an image:

And this is an example: